How Do I Save a Filtered View of Applications?

  1. Go to Applications | All records
  2. Click on Add view
  3. Click on "All filters"
  4. Here you can search through "Standard" views and custom views "Created by others."
  5. You can start with an existing view and add or subtract any filters you want.
  6. In this case, I wanted to see all Adult applicants who were Admin Recommended, so I added an extra filter for that.
  7. Now you need to click "Save view."
  8. If you've been editing a Standard or custom view Created by others, you'll need to "Save as new."
  9. Name your new filter something descriptive like "Adults/Admin Recommended."
  10. Choose whether you'd like to keep this view private, share this view with your team, or share with everyone, and click "Save."