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  2. Short-term Classes

How do I register a student paying by cash or check?

1. Click on Sales

Click on Sales

2. Click on Deals

Click on Deals

3. Click on Create deal

Click on Create deal

4. Type "Class Name - Student Name"

Type "Class Name - Student Name"

5. Leave this set as Short Term Classes

Leave this set as Short Term Classes

6. Leave this set as New

Leave this set as New

7. Click on Close date

Click on Close date

8. Click on Today

Click on Today

9. Click on Deal owner

Set yourself to the owner.

Click on Deal owner

10. Click on Create date

Click on Create date

11. Click on Today

Click on Today

12. Click on Deal type

The deal type options are "Single Registration, Group Registration, Custom Class Registration, Employee Registration, Veteran Registration". Choose the one that aligns with your need.

Click on Deal type

13. Click on Payment Type

Your choices are Cash, Check, or Purchase Order.

Click on Payment Type

14. Associate this sale to the student.

Click on Contact.

Associate this sale to the student.

15. Search for the student.

If the student does not exist. You can leave this blank and add it in later.

Search for the student.

16. If this is a group, organization, or business, associate a contact AND a company.

If the company does not exist, we can add it later.

If this is a group, organization, or business, associate a contact AND a company.

17. This will add the last 30 days info of the contact or company to this sale.

It is not required for single registrations, but is a good idea if you are working with a group for a custom class.

This will add the last 30 days info of the contact or company to this sale.

18. Click on Add a line item

The classes are stored as Products/Line items. This is where you would add the class that the student is registering for. The quantity is the number of seat they are taking.

Click on Add a line item

19. Search for the Class

Search for the Class

20. If the class has books or supply fees, click Add line item

If the class has books or supply fees, click Add line item

21. Click on Add a line item

Click on Add a line item

22. Type "Books"

Type "Books"

23. Click on Create

Click on Create

24. You'll be redirected to the Deal screen.

This is the sale/transaction record that reporting is pulled from.

You'll be redirected to the Deal screen.

25. To mark a cash, check or PO registration as paid and done, click Stage "New" and move to "Paid"

To mark a cash, check or PO registration as paid and done, click Stage "New" and move to "Paid"

26. The window will pop up to ask you about payment details.

If there is no check number, leave this blank.

The window will pop up to ask you about payment details.

27. Select Payment Date

Select Payment Date

28. Under Previously completed properties you'll find Payment Type and Amount.

You can edit these if the information has changed from when you created the deal.

Under Previously completed properties you'll find Payment Type and Amount.

29. Payment Type

Payment Type

30. Amount


31. Click on Save

Click on Save


If you did not add a contact or company at deal creation you can add them from the deal record by going to the cards on the right and clicking on + Add

Click on + Add

Click on Create new

Click on Create new

Type the students email address

An email address is not required to create a contact, but if you do not use an email address, you can have duplicates of each student.

Type "testing@test.com"

Enter Student information

Type "Sally"

 Click on Create

Click on Create

You will be redirected to the Contact screen. You can get back to the Deal record by clicking on the deal on the right side of the screen.

Click on Word 2019 - Sally Jones

Click on Word 2019 - Sally Jones